Freerange Records Podcast - July 2008 with Guest Diesel
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Part 1
Hosted and Mixed by Matt Masters
Artist – Title (Mix) [Label]
1. Deetron - Lets Get Over It [Music Man]
2. Stimming – Die Schatulle [Freerange]
3. Lovebirds - Gentle [Teardrop] New label from Vincenzo and sebastien from Lovebirds.
4. Bearweazel - Pillowhead [Murmur]
5. Paul Brtschitsch - Bellaphonica [Wolfskuil Records]
6. Soul Minority - Mozambique [Pack Up And Dance]
Part 2
Mixed by Guest Diesel
Artist – Title (Mix) [Label]
1. Waltz - DFlex (Kawabatta remix) [Tiny Sticks]
2. Viola - Tricolor (SS remix) [Cdr]
3. Bruken Boogie - Lost Heroes [Cdr]
4. Mystery - Mr. X [Cdr]
5. Happy - Robert Owens (SS remix) [Cdr]
Freerange Records Podcast
Click "Read more..." to expand menu with the tracklist.
Part 1
Hosted and Mixed by Matt Masters
Artist – Title (Mix) [Label]
1. Deetron - Lets Get Over It [Music Man]
2. Stimming – Die Schatulle [Freerange]
3. Lovebirds - Gentle [Teardrop] New label from Vincenzo and sebastien from Lovebirds.
4. Bearweazel - Pillowhead [Murmur]
5. Paul Brtschitsch - Bellaphonica [Wolfskuil Records]
6. Soul Minority - Mozambique [Pack Up And Dance]
Part 2
Mixed by Guest Diesel
Artist – Title (Mix) [Label]
1. Waltz - DFlex (Kawabatta remix) [Tiny Sticks]
2. Viola - Tricolor (SS remix) [Cdr]
3. Bruken Boogie - Lost Heroes [Cdr]
4. Mystery - Mr. X [Cdr]
5. Happy - Robert Owens (SS remix) [Cdr]
Freerange Records Podcast