
Click "Read more..." to expand menu with the tracklist.
Latest Show Playlist / Part 1
Edited and presented by Ben Watt
01 Hugo and Daniele Papini / Arduer / Systematic >>
02 HOSH / Under A Fig Tree / Diynamic >>
03 Silicone Soul / The Pulse / Mlle Caro and Franck Garcia Remix / Darkroom Dubs >> 04 Justin Martin / The Fugitive / Sei A Remix / Buzzin' Fly >>
05 Friendly Fires / Paris / Justus Kohncke Remix / XL >>
06 Robag Wruhme / Moscavia / Freude Am Tanzen

Latest Show Playlist / Part 2
30 min Guest Mix by Motorcitysoul
01 Motorcitysoul / Solar / Simple >>
02 Ed Davenport / Eyespeak / Motorcitysoul Remix / Liebedetail >>
03 Steve Mill / Let's Go Higher / Urbantorque >>
04 Black Science Orchestra / Save Us / Motorcitysoul Dub/ JBO >>
05 Motorcitysoul / Hatoay / Manuel Tur & Dplay Remix / Simple