Justin Martin (Buzzin Fly, Dirtybird) - Fall 08 Promo Mix
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320kbps / 72MB / 30:00min
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1. Shur-i-kan - Dream place [Tronicsole]
2. Will Saul- 3000AD [Simple records]
3. Arto Mwambe - Ombala mbembo [Brontosaurus]
4. Morgan Geist- Detroit [Environ]
5. Gavin Herlihy - Give me a funf [Buzzin fly]
6. Frivolous - Expo 1986 [Karloff]
7. M.a.n.d.y. and Booka shade- O superman feat. Laurie Anderson (Robag's pumper-nikkel remix) [Get physical music]
8. Deetron - Let's get over it (Henrik Schwarz remix) [Music man records]
9. Frivolous - Good-bye regrets [~scape]
10. Barem - Tres de niul [minus]