Kingsley Flowz - The Movement (January 2009)
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1. Dave Miller - [Digi Funk] Colourful You
2. Kirby - [Tango] Just One Step
3. Dave Miller - [Digi Funk] Groove Me
4. JR From Dallas - [Phobic] Jacked Roots (Tom Special Interest)
5. Kirby - [Kolour] Sweetcup
6. Frank Solano - [Kinjo] Yes I Want (Lucas Keizer)
7. Romano Arcaini and Diem - [Tight] Backbone (Nate Laurence Mouth Horn Remix)
8. Deemah - [Soul Heat] Words
9. John Larner & Slater Hogan - [HuHu] Living Loosely
10. Zare - [Bump Academy] Funk Box
11. The Beat Burgers - [Adultempo Specialists] Home Party
12. Riverside Soul ft Chuck Love & De Monica - [Vino] Walk With The Wind (Monte Hilleman Disco Wind Remix)
13. Doc Link - [Modulate Goes Digital] Say Yeah