Scope - Urban\\Torque Transmissions (29-Jan-2009)
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Scope returns for his monthly slot, recorded live at Newcastle’s world famous Shindig, bonza!
1. Jay Leblone - We’re All On A Journey (Scope Remix) - Urban Torque
2. Scope - Strung Out (Jay Leblone Remix) - Urban Torque
3. Moodymanc - Word (Dub Mix) - 2020 Vision
4. Salvatore - Agrosi - Spirit (Lars Behrenroth Remix) - Deeper Shades
5. Anil Chwala & Dale Anderson - Disco Stew - Saved
6. S-Groove - Lisbon Sunrise - CDR
7. Wudwerd - Bocas Del Toros (Alex Santos Remix) - TFE
8. Chris Harris - DC - Tronicsole
9. Milton Jackson - Crash (Lovebirds Remix) - Freerange
10. Chymera - Parelo (Jody Wisternoff Remix) - Brandnewvibe
via deepgoa.wordpress.com