Leigh Morgan - Urban\\Torque Transmissions (23-Apr-2009)
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"This weeks show for you folks, sorry it’s a day late…enjoy!"
1. Palm Skin Productions - Pig Iron - Dark Energy
2. Salvatore Agrosi - I Can (Original Mix) - Deeper Shades
3. Outmode - Dark Journey (Toby Tobias Remix) - Join The Dots
4. Jay Leblone - Jarzeeno Junior - Urban Torque
5. Thomas Sari - Raw Data (Sei A Remix) - Missive
6. Vincenzo - Kineo - Tear Drop
7. Stephen Lopkin - 23 Seconds - Urban Torque
8. Movementz - In From The Cold (Stimming Remix) - Knee Deep
9. Dplay - Browse - Drumpoet Community
10. Manuel Tur - Golden Complexion (Live Dub) - Freerange
via deepgoa.wordpress.com