
1. Utah Jazz - Circa 96 (Vintage Recs)
2. Al Pack - Cool Breeze (Funkstuff Recs)
3. Andrezz - Real Love (Vibration Recs)
4. Timewarp INC - Bullshit - MsDos remix (Timewarp Greece)
5. Alex Reece - Groove - Decon remix (Creative Wax)
6. 13 Output - Sunlight (Addiktion Digital)
7. Technimatic - Frozen Leaves (SGN:LTD)
8. Alex DB - Deep (Metta Recs)
9. Bank - Hot Sauce (TMG)
10. LSB feat. Sophia Wardman - If You're Here (Hospital Recs)
11. Brunno Junglist - Down To You (Sheer Velocity Recs)
12. Alston - Horizon (Soul Bros Recs)
13. MC Fats and Regina - What You Don't Know - Makoto Remix (U Understand Me)
14. 4Everest - What If (Such Music)
15. Al Menos - Killer Smile (Soul Flex Digital)
16. Brother - Breathbox - Phase 2 remix (Influenza Media UK)
17. Break - They're Wrong - Calibre Alt. remix (Symmetry Recs)
18. Denial - Don't Forget Me - Furney remix (Soul Flex Digital)
19. Atlantic Connection - One Moment (Fokuz Recs)