Tracklist/Description: Track list: 1. Furney - Overwhelm 2. Tim Cant - Solarfunk 3. Flowrian - Jill 4. SoulStructure & Tim Cant - The Rebirth 5. Dramatic - Know Your Worth - Myriad Recordings Dub 6. Tim Cant - Wilderness 7. PFM - By The Chapel (SoulStructure Remix) 8. SoulStructure - Future Love 9. SoulStructure - Progressive Future Music (Furney Remix) 10. Zero Gravity & Syncline - Jupiter Lounge 11. Con*Natural - Lean Upwards [Ft. MC Conrad] (Makoto Remix) 12. Chaos & Julia Set - Atmosphere (SoulStructure & Dramatic Reboot) 13. SoulStructure - Lovers & Friends 14. PFM - Transformation 15. ASC - The Arcane Artwork by Martin Birds @ Align Creative Services