Tracklist/Description: Hi Clouderz, This is the return of the 4 Deepsketeers. A little gift to all our followers for the beginning of 2025. Once again, AgentValjean, 324AM, and I, have come together to try and get you out of your daily grind. And for this fourth time we invited some friends to join our team. So it is with joy that Radic The Myth, John Daw aka Hotevilla & Jazzed Irregularity have accepted our invitation to participate in this third volume. Always the same principle : 4 titles by Dj, once each. This time, AgentValjean have started the set followed by Radic The Myth, Arno.G, Hotevilla, Jazzed Irregularity and to finish 324AM. A special dedication to our fourth Deepsketeers the DEEP CORSAIRE Davebryckaert, Man, whatever you want to come back to the decks We hope you enjoy listening to this set as much as we enjoyed making it. Your comments are very welcome May the Deep be with you ! Arno.G, 324AM & AgentValjean aka The Deepsketeers Follow us : @AgentValjean @deeparnog @324Am @radic-the-myth @imjohndaw @jazzedirregularity Artwork and mastering by 324M
05 March 2025
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